

What is Whey?

Our whey is the natural, electrolyte-rich liquid left after yogurt has been strained with a cheese cloth. Despite many cultures across the world having long histories of enjoying whey in drinks and dishes, large modern yogurt manufacturers have a tough time finding a better way to use it. In New York alone, over 1 BILLION pounds of yogurt whey are lost each year. We’re here to buiild a way to save whey.

Better you. Better Planet.

Over 200 Olympic-sized swimming pools are filled every year

talk about a pool party. And when the fun is done, we have to pull the plug, leaving us with whey too much waste. The challenge is that there isn’t any protein in yogurt whey – it all stays with the strained yogurt – so you can’t make protein powder.   Yogurt whey also has a lot of lactose but many people are lactose intolerant so no one wants it. Being in the number one yogurt producing state in the country – that’s another story – really comes with pounds of responsibility. That’s where we come in, turning whey into a way to save the planet and your weekend pool party.

There’s no use crying over spilt milk, we’re giving yogurt leftovers a better chance

Yogurt whey is unique to all dairy (milk and cheese) wheys. Because yogurt culture (good bacteria used to make yogurt) makes it so tart , the whey naturally keeps the majority of vitamins and electrolytes, our E, in milk. It’s a rich, broad-spectrum sea of calcium, potassium, zinc, magnesium, and vitamin B5, and we work to capture it all and use yeast to ferment that unwanted lactose into a mindful level of alcohol to create a fun drink that is whey better than anything else out there in a can.

Why + E

= WhEy

improving the sustainability
of dairy

The idea of capturing every drop of our food, preventing waste, and improving the sustainability of dairy isn’t a new fad. Once upon a time, seafaring Nordic cultures were doing just that with their strained yogurt (skyr) whey, saving every drop to make electrolyte-rich drinks enjoyed by the community. That inspired our twist to create our Nordic seltzer: Norwhey. We hope you enjoy it too and raise a pint to a better whey, a better you, and a better planet.

